Stellify 3 / EPC / Experimental Print Club Edition #10
Print Club, Works on Paper, Stellify, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Works on Paper, Stellify, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Stellify 3 / EPC / Experimental Print Club Edition #10

I’m just completing the first of what I hope will be quite a few new Print Club editions for 2019. It’s a little behind the spring equinox, but nevertheless I hope it may represent a small celebration of the lengthening days, and increasing light levels as we head into the summer. It’s an exciting time of year to my mind…

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New website launched today!
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New website launched today!

After several months of editing, writing, retouching and designing, I'm delighted to have finally launched my new website, v4.0, which seems to have been too long in the making, but is finally complete, at least until the inevitable first update is required!

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Stellify EPC in progress, Feb 5th 2019
Print Club, Works on Paper, Stellify, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Works on Paper, Stellify, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Stellify EPC in progress, Feb 5th 2019

Thought it was about time I sent over a sketch of my latest Print Club offering. Not entirely sure where the work is headed yet, but thought you might be interested to see an in progress image - Stellify EPC v04 SET_A 12k COMP v09 FLAT. You can tell from the working title that there have been quite a few iterations of this piece already.

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Happy New Year!
Print Club, Works on Paper, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Works on Paper, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Happy New Year!

I was visiting Ripe Digital recently, a superb short run commercial digital printer based locally in Corsham, where Bath School of Art have some of their studio space, and Howard Hodgkin used to teach. Rik at Ripe Digital introduced me to their new digital foiling machine. In essence, this is a short run, or one off, opportunity to apply metallic foils to my print work. A process that previously demanded bespoke metal dies and long print runs to be even vaguely affordable. It's an idea /process that I hope will continue on from where the recent Klint / cut piece left off.

So I'm experimenting with the idea of making a pair of foil based works for the club, in which several, perhaps four, coloured foils will be used to create two new works, probably with some inked areas too. Maybe ish 12 inches square each. Not sure yet, but will keep you posted as the work progresses.

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In conversation with Helena Cardow, TAG Fine Arts

HC Tell us about your background?

CE I started as an art student in 1984 I think, studying illustration at Bath Technical College, and went from there to a Foundation year, followed by a BA (Hons) degree, so seven years at college in all. My BA was at the old Hornsey School of Art, now amalgamated into Middlesex University. Personally, I would’ve been in favour of the UK retaining its independent network of art schools, I don’t think they are or should be departments in larger universities. Historically British art schools have often been absolute powerhouses of contemporary artistic and political thinking, and are more than capable of standing alone in my opinion! That said, I was delighted to graduate in ’92 with a First class Hons degree, and from there I moved straight into Soho’s art and design scene…

An interview and studio visit from Helena Cardow, one of TAG Fine Arts’ curators, and regular exhibitor at the London Art Fair, the London Original Print Fair and Ink Miami, amongst many other annual events.

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Klint / CUT, Experimental Print Club Edition #9
Print Club, Works on Paper, Work, Klint, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Works on Paper, Work, Klint, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Klint / CUT, Experimental Print Club Edition #9

Spent a good day yesterday working on the 9th edition for my Experimental Print Club. I’ve been making 3 or 4 smaller ephemeral works on paper each year for the club, as a kind of loosening up idea, with the intention of trying out new ideas that may feedback into my main practice, whilst simultaneously creating some hopefully quite collectable smaller works that go out to club members in the post. It’s a nice concept that coerces me to make some new smaller works each year.

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EPC edition 9, Klint / cut
Print Club, Works on Paper, Klint, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Works on Paper, Klint, All Posts Chuck Elliott

EPC edition 9, Klint / cut

I’m just on the brink of making Edition 9 for the print club. The autumn edition for 2018. Having told you that I'm planning to make a piece on silk, and a ‘mantle piece’ in my last post (I’m still intent on making both of these) I’ve been somewhat waylaid by an interesting colour proof print experiment, which I think will make a good new edition to colour up the autumn. Time will tell. In essence it’s a kind of collage from some proofs of my Klint prints, mixed with some foil fragments, collaged onto a sheet of Somerset paper, by way of a backing sheet, with debossing. That's the plan anyway, I'll send some progress images shortly…

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Meet the Artist / An interview with Jess Lloyd-Smith at Modern Art Buyer

JLS How did you become an artist / where did you start your artistic training?

CE No idea! How does anyone ‘become an artist’. I think the question is, in some ways, a false premise. I think we can all make art and be artists at different points in our lives, if and when we choose to be. Making art and being an artist are clearly two different disciplines though, two different mindsets.

I guess I’ve only just recently begun to feel that I am an artist, previously I used to think of myself as a maker, or someone who creates artwork, which is an equally interesting proposition of course, but with subtly different goals. A more design oriented focus perhaps, less cerebral, more about making.

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Print Club Edition 8
Print Club, Works on Paper, Work, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Works on Paper, Work, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Print Club Edition 8

Edition 8 is going to be a celebration of Spring, and in particular that particularly beautiful combination of greens, pinks and deeper carmines that marks out the first flush of really powerful colour that comes out here in May. I've attached an image here of my new tulip border, that I planted deep in the midst of last winter, with freezing hands, sure in the knowledge that I would get a sensational blast of colour as the gardening year really gets going this spring. I have to say that I didn't plan for the bright orange ones, but in fact they have been a serendipitous addition that has no doubt been bolder and better than my original choices.

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London Original Print Fair 2018, at the Royal Academy

London Original Print Fair 2018, at the Royal Academy

Delighted to be exhibiting work at the London Original Print Fair, held annually at the Royal Academy, Piccadilly. One of the highlights of the year in my opinion, a really strong fair, with great work by many of today's best makers.

I'll be exhibiting works on paper there with TAG Fine Arts, so if you'd like a free pass, drop me a line, and I'll send you a link to register for a complimentary ticket.

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Fresh Art Cheltenham, 2018
Art Fairs, Fresh Art Fair, Campden Gallery, All Posts Chuck Elliott Art Fairs, Fresh Art Fair, Campden Gallery, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Fresh Art Cheltenham, 2018

Spring seems to be in the air, finally, and I have a couple of events coming up that you may be interested in. If you’d like a free pass(es) for either event, please do email me, and I’ll see what I can do.

The first one opens tonight, and runs over the weekend. I’m delighted to be showing some of my latest Diasec mounted pieces with the Campden Gallery, at this new fair, being held at Cheltenham racecourse pavilion.

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A Fresh Perspective / Bath Magazine
Press, Bath Magazine, Axle Arts, Bath, All Posts Chuck Elliott Press, Bath Magazine, Axle Arts, Bath, All Posts Chuck Elliott

A Fresh Perspective / Bath Magazine

“Chuck Elliott overlaps the precision and order of symmetrical geometry with mesmerising digitally drawn non-repeating patterns. he explores notions of contemporary drawing using a high-end computer system and the latest digital drawing tools. His vibrant prints are energetic yet rhythmically soothing; pools of colour ripple, while smooth chromatic ribbons flow with electronic clarity, shining like a lacquered metallic surface.” Bridget Sterling, Axle Arts

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Editions 6 and 7 sent today!
Print Club, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Editions 6 and 7 sent today!

Hello, hope this finds you well and getting ready for the holidays. I've just completed making, packing, and sending my Experimental Print Club editions #6 and #7 with MyHermes. I hope they'll arrive with you sometime over the holidays, and that the work will add a little colour to the season.

Edition #6 is a good sized version of my recent Dazzle drawing, in yellows and blues, and cropped to 12 bars, which I think has a certain sparkle about it. Edition #7 is an exploratory understudy that I made whilst working on Lyric SV, for my recent Catto Gallery show. I've refashioned it here with some quite earthy winter tones, and entitled it Lyric / undertow, as it is very much an underdrawing for the final works.

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