Amplifier, EPC #16
Print Club, Amplifier, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Amplifier, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Amplifier, EPC #16

Amplifier /EPC is edition #16 for my Experimental Print Club. The piece revisits an archived drawing that has been loitering in my imagination for quite a few years, but hadn’t quite managed to surface until now. The original studies take on the idea of a modulating series of concave and convex forms, which are in themselves rippled with a further waveform, rendered in glazed and tinted colours, that appear almost like scales on a fish. I’m not sure why I didn’t resolve the drawing originally, but it may simply be that I put it down for a while, and never came back to it. That tends to happens quite a lot, and has led to a significant archive of incomplete works.

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Amplifier / EPC #16 in progress
Print Club, Amplifier, All Posts Chuck Elliott Print Club, Amplifier, All Posts Chuck Elliott

Amplifier / EPC #16 in progress

There’s a beautiful crisp autumn light permeating the studio this morning, so much so that I have to keep the shutters partially shut just to be able to see my screen. So it seems like the perfect time to start work on an autumn edition for the Print Club. I’m going to work up a new variant of my Amplifier artwork, which has been in the back of my mind for a year or two now, but hasn’t quite managed to surface. That is set to change! I’m planning on making a two part print, one metallic, the other matt, and composite those two components onto a holding sheet. I hope it’ll make for a good edition, we’ll see. I’ll write more about the ideas behind it in my next post, which should also have some images of work in progress. All being well, the edition should be in the post within a fortnight. That’s my current plan anyway!

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