Elemental white crest img03 1500px.jpg

I’ve been working on some new images, and editing some of the pieces I put together in the second half of 2013, ahead of the Battersea AAF, which opens in a few weeks, on Weds 12th March. This piece is one of six or more new pieces I’ll be exhibiting on stand J10 with the Transistor project, an artists group I often work with. We’re putting together a new website, the 4th iteration since we started in 2005, and I’m looking forward to being able to post more news about that shortly.

In the meantime, this image is derived from the quarter circle, or 90 degree arc I’ve become fascinated by as a base point to jump off from. In this study it delivers a watery, hopefully seemingly elemental, landscape image.

If you’d like to see the new work, and more, at the AAF this March, email me and I’ll post you a free pass for the fair, and the opening night. Dates are Wednesday 12th to Sunday 16th. More details are available here http://affordableartfair.com/battersea/

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.


Touch / Screen : Chuck Elliott and Matthew Small at the James Freeman Gallery


The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust Auction